Story of Nordberg
History of Nordberg and operation Grey Seal 2024
Nordberg, nestled in the Nordic countries, is known for its beautiful island borders on the Baltic Sea, crystal blue lakes inland, and untouched wilderness. The royal Nordholm family ruled for centuries, with a thriving economy from raw materials and exports. However, in 1956, the Northern Iron Rule (NIR) took control from King Markus III, leading to decades of autocratic rule.
In 2020, the Northern Royal Guard (NRG) and
Coalition of Nordberg (CN) rebelled against an oppressive regime and overthrew them in 2022. But with no clear plan for leadership after the war, tension grew between the NRG and CN as they fought for control – should it be led by the last descendant of the Nordholm royal family or a democratic government?
Amidst chaos and violence, Nordberg citizens suffer. The ongoing battles between NRG and CN reach even small villages like Hallis’ old mining town Jayville. In this dangerous landscape, the Halli Military Airfield is a prized possession for both factions. As part of “Operation Grey Seal” they fight to gain control over valuable resources and technological advancements left behind by the previous regime.
In the midst of war, a small village, called Jayville, struggles to survive. The civilians must please whichever military group rules in order to stay alive, as they hold valuable knowledge from the days of Northern Iron Rule. For the soldiers, these villagers are both allies and liabilities in the battle for Nordberg’s future.
The old Double Jay Mine caves
During the summer of 2024, Coalition of Nordberg (CN) soldiers opened the sealed Double Jay mine caves and discovered a pungent odor. They explored cautiously, only to find mutilated bodies of civilians scattered on the cold stone floors. Shocked and horrified, they uncovered the gruesome truth behind the massacre that had taken place in these caves during last days of NIR power. As the Coalition soldiers ventured deeper into the caves, the stench of decay grew stronger. Their flashlights illuminated more gruesome scenes – bodies in various states of decomposition, some bearing signs of torture. They moved methodically through the caverns, cataloging the horrors. Some victims appeared to be local villagers, while others wore tattered military uniforms.
Later civilians and military personnel worked together in order to build Biofuel deep mining drills which would help to excavate the special quartz which was found from in the caves soil and which most likely NIR had been also after.
Also during summer of 2024, a rumor was published by Battlefield Bulletin news agency that there was still a secret abonded NIR military bunker in Halli area. This military bunker exact location is still a mystery to people as the founder of the bunker vanished soon after the news spread.
Devastating evening for the Civilians
At the same time as the sun was setting on the Jayville civilian village, a sudden terror descended upon its residents. The air filled with the sound of chaos and destruction as the ruthless remnants of NIR forces launched their surprise attack at the village in order to catch their high value target civilian. Innocent villagers were mercilessly stunned or beaten before NIR forces left the area. A dangerous and devastating scene was finally over, which would haunt the survivors for years to come.
After getting their target and other important resources, NIR forces were driven after by the CN and NRG forces. Eventually NIR forces were forced out of Halli area and also from main parts of Nordberg. Nowadays their remnants are still operating from the neighbouring countries, either with the help of those countries goverments or without it, and are still everpresent threat to all who are againts them.
Operation Clean Haven 2025
In response to the urgent need for energy, Operation Clean Haven was formed with a sole purpose: to gain control of the renewable power plant (Sewell Mining: Project HA I) located near the ruins of the old solarplant. However, the task was not an easy one. The power plant, once a beacon of progress and innovation, now lay in a state of disrepair with missing parts scattered throughout the area. Some were carefully hidden, others damaged almost beyond repair, and some stolen by desperate civilians, money hungry criminals or by bitter NIR fighters. It would take strategic planning, precise execution, and a bit of luck to successfully gain the control of the power plant and get it operational.
News of the operation Clean Haven quickly spread among Coalition forces, prompting the Northern Royal Guard to adopt the same name for their own mission. Despite the shared name, little is known about the strategies and tactics each faction plans to use in taking control of the power plant.
To make matters worse for the civilians of Nordberg, an highly addictive drug epidemic has also emerged during last months. The drug is called blue crystal and its quantities have skyrocketed in the black market. So far authorities and military forces have been unable to stop the producement and traffic of this drug so its users numbers have grown steadily in all groups.

Coalition of Nordberg (CN) troops during the Operation Grey Seal.

The flag of Nordberg.

Coalition of Nordberg (CN) troops inside the Double Jay Mine caves searching for special quartz and civilian and military personnel bodies, who had executed by NIR forces.

Northern Royal Guard troops setting up the solarplant at Halli.

The independency day of Nordberg was a rare reason for some Northern Royal Guard and
Coalition of Nordberg troops to forget their differences for one evening and enjoy some R&R time in Jayville village.

A rare picture from the catch operation which NIR forces conducted at Jayville village.

Sewell Mining launched a new project “HA I” in the area to rebuild the renewable power plant.