Game on, game off and game over
- The game starts with a Game on -call by the game masters.
- The game can be stopped with a Game Off -call.
- The game can be continued with a Game On -call.
- The game masters should be informed about:
- Any accidents etc. which lead/led game to be stopped temporarily at some part of the game area.
- Any civilians in the game area who are not going to pass the area fast (ex. moving on foot/horse/bicycle or who are planning to stay somewhere inside the game area).
- The game will be ended by the game masters shouting Game over -call.
- Every game related shouts should be repeated.
Eye safety
- Only approved safety goggles/masks (military grade and tested airsoft) are allowed in the event. No “rocket glasses” or poor airsoft goggles. Eye protection should be worn at all times during game time.
- Ballistic glasses are only allowed for players over 18 years old. Using a mouth guard is recommended.

Muzzle velocity limits and special weapons
- Regular weapons: 1.7 J
- Support weapons: 2 J (and max. 25 rps)
- Semi-automatic sniper rifles (DMR): 2,5 J
- Heavy semi-automatic sniper rifles (ex. M82 Barret): 3 J
- Bolt action sniper rifles: 4 J
- Semi-automatic only allowed to use. Binary/double triggers are not allowed.
- No need to restrict the full auto/burst from the weapon. You are just not allowed to use them.
- Hi-Cap magazines are not allowed
Semi-automatic sniper rifles must represent a real life support weapon (SVD, M14 EBR, SR25 etc) and must be equipped accordingly with optics, bipods etc.
Remember to bring all the accessories with you in the chrono, so that the staff can, in confusing situations, ensure that the weapon classifies as semi-automatic sniper rifle.
Designated marksman rifle specifications in order of priority:
- The gun should represent a real steel model of a designated marksman rifle (for example M14, SR25, SVD, SPR and so forth)
- The rifle must be equipped with a magnifying optic, like a rifle scope, acog or shortdot just to name a few.
- The rifle must have a long barrel at least 16″ long (for example in AR15 weapons) If the barrel is shorter, it should be lengthened with a silencer. It is also highly recommended to use a silencer in all designated marksman rifles.
- The rifle should also have bi-pods attached to it. Especially in the rifles looking too much like assault rifles (for example L85, M4, RK95, AUG equipped with a regular barrel and silencer.)
- If you are unsure about your gun fitting in this class, feel free to take a picture of it and send it to for further instructions and guidance.
- Semi-automatic only. Binary/double triggers are not allowed.
- No need to restrict the full auto/burst from the weapon. You are just not allowed to use them.
- Hi-Cap magazines are not allowed.
All support weapons must represent and look like some real life light or heavy support weapon (ex. M249, RPK, M60, PKM, MG36, HK21, AUG HBAR, M27, Stoner, Trident LMG). Remember to equip your support weapon with real life style accessories like box magazines, bipods, silencers or optics.
- Hi-Cap magazines are allowed.
- Fire rate: max 25 rounds per second.
- Biodegradable bb’s are mandatory.
- Owners of weapons over 1.7 J must have a secondary weapon (preferably less than 1 J) for close quarters combat.
- All weapons must be brought to the chronography for display.
- High Power Air-gun adjustment valves will be sealed after chroning. Players must bring their own seals. If the seal is removed or lost, player must get new one and bring their weapon for chroning again.
- When you get hit, shout “Hit” loud. Take out your big orange deathrag and place it so others can see it!
- Clear ricochets from objects do not count as hits.
- Hits to the players weapon disable it. Fix your gun by visiting the main base or respawn point.

- A wounded player has 10 minutes to be healed before the player bleeds out. You are not allowed to try avoid get being looted by bleeding out sooner.
- A wounded player can be knife killed with your hand. Shooting a wounded player on purpose is not allowed.
- The wounded player can call ”Medic” or ”Lääkintämies” shouting or by radio, but can’t communicate about what happens around him.
- Wounded player can be moved if aided by another player. The wounded person must not help in the evacuation in any way. Neither helper nor the wounded can use their weapons or heal the wounded at that time.

Player roles and group size
- Different player roles and support weapons are used in Ehasa’s events, the number of which is limited in our events.
- Limited roles are Medic, Engineer and Anti-tank. There can only be one of each role per group. Roles cannot be combined together.
- Limited weapons are Support weapons (Machine guns) and DMR weapons, of which there can be a total of two per squad. The group can therefore have one of the following options:
- one semi-automatic sniper rifle and one machine gun
- two semi-automatic sniper rifles
- two machine guns
- In order for players to be able to use these roles and limited weapons, they must have a group of at least 6 people with their own group leader.
- A group smaller than this cannot use these roles or weapons. A group larger than this doesn’t get any more of these roles or weapons either.
- The only exception is the reconnaissance platoon, which is selected separately in the events of the Battlegroup game series, where 4 people is the minimum group size. However, two patrols of 4 people who play together all the time and under the same group leader are not two separate groups.

Healing and medics
- Player can only be treated by another player marked as having medical skills.
- Medic has to have a medic patch/armband (sold at check-in) visible at all times.
- Healing a wounded player takes 2 minutes. Medic can’t use weapons during healing unless he stops. After this the healing must be started again from beginning.

Mobile Field Hospital Vehicle
Operating times
- After deploying the Mobile field hospital, the Mobile field hospital can operate for 1 hour.
- After 1 hour it cannot be used again for 2 hours.
- To heal injured troops you must assing a medic to be present at the vehicle.
- You can heal max. 5 players at the same time (=remove their bandages).
- Healing (removing bandage) takes 10 minutes for every player. When being healed, players cannot use their weapons. If healing is stopped the countdown resets.
Other rules
- The vehicle can be destroyed by the enemy. In case the vehicle is destroyed regular vehicle rules, such as respawn times, do apply.
- Only unarmed LVL1 vehicles can act as Mobile field hospitals and there are only two per faction. The vehicle must have Ehasa provided “MOBILE FIELD HOSPITAL” markings on both sides.
- Respawning happens at a friendly respawn point, a rally point –cache or in the main base in half hour intervals at xx:00 and xx:30 (e.g. 13:00 or 14:30).
- Company and battalion commanders respawn times are double (respawn is possible at the second available time)
- Respawning happens with a double timer, which means you have to wait over one respawn at the point to respawn.
- The characters remains in game despite being respawned, but if instructed that the character dies the game masters will provide the player with a new personality.
Capture- and resource points
You can respawn from your faction capture point!
The resource points are numbered in the Status-system. Resource points are different items from which a factions gains resources or the ability to use a particular item in the game.
You can’t respawn from resource points!You can check the capture and confirm times at

Rallypoint cache
- Rallypoints are respawn points which can be set up anywhere in the game area.
- You can recognize rallypoint from tarp, faction colored backpack, colored tape around a respawn area. Rallypoints GPS location can be seen at Status Ehasa in your own factions map.
- Rallypoint is carried in Ehasa’s Mil-Tec backpack colored with your faction’s color (blue, red, yellow) and should be kept with it.
- Rallypoints are exhausted when used. Inside the tent there is a board where you must mark every respawn you make. Respawning happens half hour intervals at xx:00 and xx:30 (e.g. 13:00 or 14:30).
- Faction can obtain more resourceboards by completing missions or stealing them.
- You can disable an enemy rallypoint by stealing the resource boards. The enemy’s rallypoint cache nevertheless remains part of the game. Stolen boards can be used to operate your own cache.
Less leathal weapons
- You can use so called less leathal weapons in game that do not kill the player. These are provided by the game masters.
- Training OC-spray, which deploys water or soap water.
- Tasers, which are colored waterpistols.
- Batons, which are either made from plastic, foam or soft rubber (suitable for training-use).
- When the player is sparayed, tazed or hit with a baton he is unconcious for 5 minutes.
- The player can be taken prisoner after being sprayed, after which have will turn from being unconcious to captive.

Ingame money
- There will be ingame money which players will have in their electric “bank account” and some players will obtain it also in cash.
- Players can pay with or raise as cash their electric ingame money with the help of ingame banker(s) and trader(s).
- You can use your ingame money to buy real life commodities, ingame props or information from various civilian players.
- You can contact the banker(s) and trader(s) also via phone, if you need to do bank transfers outside of civilian village.
Searching a player
- Ingame material can only be stored in equipment and outerwear which both can be searched. Before starting the search, the player should be informed about the search.
- If the player does not want to be searched, he/she must say it outloud and hand over all in-game material in his/her possession.
- You are allowed to take prisoners.
- Consent is required from the prisoner. If consent is not given or it’s withdrawn the prisoner is required to hand out all ingame material and go to respawn area for respawning.
- If a player is taken as a prisoner, his weapon can be confiscated if he’s fine with it. If the player grabs the weapon back, he can use it. Another option is to wrap colored tape (ex. red) around the barrel to mark the weapon as confiscated.
- If a prisoner escapes/is released, he can use his taped weapon’s after 5 minutes.

Anti-tank mines
- Anti-tank mines are simulated by faction colored (red, blue, yellow) “AT-mines”. They are given to players by their commander and their number is limited.
- AT-mines can only be placed or disabled by an engineer.
- AT-mines have no function other than to prevent vehicles from using roads.
- AT-mines placed by your own faction do not affect vehicles of your faction.
- If a normal vehicle drives over an AT-mine, it is destroyed along with everyone inside. The vehicle cannot be repaired or any of the passengers be healed. The vehicle is destroyed even if the AT-mine is between the tyres.
- For a road to be completely blocked, the AT-mines have to be place so that the vehicles cannot bypass them. Ingame vehicles can go past the AT-mines so long as the AT-mine itself does not get under any part of the vehicle. Offgame vehicles are allowed to drive past the AT-mines.
- It takes 3 minutes to set up or disable one AT-mine and it can only be done by an engineer. The opponent’s AT-mines must not be stolen, hidden, broken or moved further than out of the road, eg. into a ditch.
- It is forbidden to disguise AT-mines!
- We ask that you bring any additional AT-mines found in the area to the game masters so that they are not forgotten in the area.

- Engineers are the only ones who can set up and disable AT-mines or fix destroyed in-game vehicles. Check the other rules for more info.
- Engineer has to have a engineer patch/armband (sold at check-in) visible at all times.
- Civilian players can also be engineers.

- The factions may have the ability to use a limited amount of artillery.
- Artillery is ordered through the chain of command. By request, the game masters use pyrotechnics (He-shells), smokes (Smoke-shells) and other means to describe the artillery. Eventual need of ear protection will be indicated in advance by game masters.
- Game masters point out those wounded by the artillery as well as when it begins and ends. Artillery hit on a vehicle counts as one projectile hit. One artillery strike effects in approx 50 m x 50 m area.
Grenades and pyrotechnics
- Players are not allowed to bring their own smoke or BB grenades or pyrotechnics.
- The reason for the ban is that the high volume of waste produced by grenades affecting the process of getting game areas.

- Players can use their own bicycles in game. Bicycles must be somewhat military or simply colored ones. Not bright colored.
- You can’t destroy an enemy bicycle and using other people bicycles is not allowed.
- Hiding an enemy bicycle or emptying it’s wheels etc. will result in removing player from the game!
- Eliminated players can use their bicycles when moving to respawn position.
- Players are responsible of their own bicycles and transporting them to the site.

Common vehicle rules
- There will be ingame and offgame vehicles. You need to be extra careful when near vehicles.
- You must accept possible damages caused by bb’s or other projectiles to your vehicle. It is up to the player to take care of the vehicle’s mandatory traffic insurances.
- Max. speed for vehicles is 20km/h. For game masters the max. speed is 60km/h. Everyone should pay caution when driving.
- Some of the ingame vehicles have a blocked field of view and the movement of such vehicles might also be hard or sudden. For this reason, it is forbidden to go near a vehicle when its engine is running, unless the vehicle crew instructs you otherwise.
- Enemy vehicle doors cannot be opened.
- Passengers of vehicles cannot shoot from holes smaller than their head (e.g. between wood boards) and it is the responsibility of the owner to cover these.
- If you want to shoot from the windows, they must be fully opened and taped to stay in place. This must be done before leaving the main base and you cannot do it in the field. Windows may be kept a little open for safety reasons. In this case it is not allowed to shoot out of this gap and the passengers can ignore any bb’s coming in through the gap!
- Hits to the vehicle’s gun turrets will NOT destroy the gun. Normal hit-rules apply for the gunner and other personnel. Only expectation for this is Class 4 vehicles which might have gunners wearing yellow hi-vis vests and they cannot be hit because they are acting as “gun turrets” for the armored wheeled vehicles.
- With the vehicle engine running, the vehicle must have the parking lights or low beams switched on always.
- The transportation of personnel on trailers is prohibited.
- Vehicle cannot be left on the roadside without the driver unless there is at least 3 meters open space next to it for other vehicles to pass. Vehicles without a driver must be always parked out of the way as much as possible.
- Vehicles can transport eliminated players. Transporting eliminated players must not confuse whether or not the vehicle itself is involved in the game.

Bringing a vehicle to the event
General requirements
- Military faction vehicles must be painted either (matt) green, black, grey, khaki or other common camouflage and they must look like they are suitable for “military use”.
- The civilian faction vehicle model/type/color does not matter.
- Vehicles can be mounted with MGs and/or with one grenade launcher. These are not counted with normal MG/AT roles.
- The use of tarpaulins, sandbags, players’ backpacks or other soft objects as protective walls in the vehicle is prohibited! If the vehicle has structurally fixed tarpaulins that cannot be removed (eg UAZ / ZIL) or a fixed cover cannot be built in front of them, the vehicle crew must take into account all hits to the tarps, even if the colored powder projectile grenade does not break.

Required equipment
- Fire extinguisher.
- First aid kit.
- Suitable for oil absorption: special powder, container, tarpaulin or fabric.
- Orange large death rag / flag.
- Valid insurance.
- Working Hazard lights
- Beacon (for example: this), which should be placed on the hood of the vehicle for other players to access.
- GPS-tracker: Vehicle driver must have either an android-phone with status-application or they must lend an gps-tracker from Ehasa ry. GPS-tracker lease price is 15€. The GPS must be switched on when the vehicle is being used.
Vehicle classes
- Ingame vehicles are marked with the faction color A4 size paper/flag which has at least 10 cm high black or white text, or at least 21 cm high coloured tape marking the vehicle category and the vehicle identification number, which are separated with dash (example 2-1, 1-10, 2-100 etc.) Either way the marking must be found on each side of the vehicle. Other faction color markings are also permitted and recommended. Recommended font for prints.
- Ingame-civilian vehicles must have very clear markings on them so that they won’t be mixed up with real civilians in the area!
- The only exceptions to vehicle markings are small ATVs / mopeds/towable anti-tank guns, which may not be marked as mentioned above. These vehicles must identify themselves as clearly as possible and the vehicle identification number must be identifiable 10 meters from the front or side.

- Marking: 1-VEHICLE ID
- 1️⃣ One hit durability.
- All vehicles in default.
- Marking: 2-VEHICLE ID
- 2️⃣ Two hits durability.
- Vehicles selected by game masters, basic requirement is a 360° protecting rotating tower or the “vehicle” is towable anti-tank gun which has front protective plate.
- Marking: 3-VEHICLE ID
- 3️⃣ Three hits durability.
- Only Mine Clearing Vehicles, check their rules in separate section.
- Marking: 4-VEHICLE ID
- 4️⃣ Four hits durability.
- Real life armored vehicles.
Registering an ingame vehicle to the event
- Players must register their vehicle in advance at the Kuulaportti-service.
- First make for yourself and separately your vehicle an account in Kuulaportti.
- Second buy yourself a ticket to the event.
- Third, go back to the “My ticket” tab in the event page and you will notice the new “Vehicle ticket” tab. Register your vehicle there.Vehicles are assigned max a three-digit number that indicates the identification numbers of the vehicle.
- Vehicle class will be determined based on vehicle equipment. Final markings in the vehicle will be example 2-1, 1-10, 2-100 etc.
- The same identification number remains the same in all Ehasa ry events, making it easier for us to monitor the use of vehicles.
- The final decision on the vehicle class can be made on game area in the separate vehicle registration and chronoing process at main bases by game masters.

Destroying, repairing and respawning vehicles
When an ingame vehicle gets hit
- Every hit on a vehicle makes the vehicle stop for 20 sec before it can continue moving. During this time the vehicle can use its weapons normally. The vehicle should stop safely as soon as it is hit/informed about the hit.
- The projectile must break and the powder must visibly mark the hit. If it only bounces from the target, it is not counted as a hit! (Excluding vehicles with a fixed tarp.)
- When a vehicle runs out of its hit durabilities, the vehicle is considered destroyed.

When an ingame vehicle gets destroyed
- The driver presses the horn once for a long time, switches off possible headlights/spotlights, turns on the hazard warning lights and the orange roof beacon and raises the orange flag. The driver and the vehicle gunner will be eliminated. Other staff have 20 seconds to leave the “burning” vehicle or they will be eliminated also.
- After the vehicle is destroyed, it should stay still on the road for 5 minutes before it can start going back to the main base for respawn. The driver must be seated in the driver’s seat so he can move the vehicle in case it blocks an offgame-vehicle.
- The destroyed vehicle can be “pushed”/”towed” by placing a “rope” made of barricade tape at least 5 m long between the vehicle to be towed and the vehicle towing it. After this, the car drivers agree on how the cars will be moved. While towing the vehicles must only move at a walking speed and people must not be in the vicinity of the vehicles. Vehicles can only be towed one at a time per towing car.
- Destroyed vehicles can be repaired by an engineer player. The engineer must touch the hood or front side of the vehicle for 15 minutes. After that the vehicle is repaired and can continue playing with full hit durability. The next destruction destroys the vehicle completely and it must be respawned back to the game.
Destroying an empty vehicle
- An empty vehicle can be destroyed by activating the light beacon on the hood, which acts as a sign that the vehicle has been destroyed.
- If there are personnel in or next to the vehicle, the vehicle cannot be destroyed in this way. So you can’t for example run from vehicle to vehicle destroying them. You can only destroy clearly parked and abandoned vehicles when using the light beacon.
Respawning an ingame vehicle
- Vehicles are respawned in faction main base or other fixed faction spawn areas which cannot be captured by the enemy.
- Default time for vehicle respawn is 1 hour from the vehicle arrival to the respawn area.
- Also, some civilian engineer players might have ability to fix and respawn vehicles at the field.

Mine Clearing Vehicle (MCV)
Mine clearing
- MCVs can clear enemy anti-tank mines on roads.
- Mine clearing is conducted by driving the “clearing device” first over the mines very slowly (<5km/h).
- Cleared mines should be moved to the side of the road by MCV crew wearing yellow hi-vis vests after the MCV has driven over them completely.
MCV requirements and other rules
- Only unarmed vehicles can act as MCV and there is only one per faction.
- MCV must have specially built “protect plate/chains/or similar mine clearing device” built in front or back of the vehicle.
- If you are thinking of building an MCV for your faction, contact Ehasa first via email
- The vehicle will also receive Ehasa provided “Mine Clearing Vehicle” markings which will be placed on both sides of the vehicle.
Anti-tank soldier
- You can destroy vehicles by using a 40mm TAG paladin/FinTap color powder grenade. You can buy these yourself or rent them from game masters in advance. Only an AT-soldier can use these grenades.
- The projectile must break and the powder must visibly mark the hit. If it only bounces from target, it is not counted as hit! (Excluding vehicles with a fixed tarp.)
- AT-soldier must wear an AT-soldier patch (sold at check-in) visible at all times. Very limited number of civilian players can also be anti-tank capable if allowed by Civilian GM.
- Using other than TAG paladin or FinTap grenades (for example self-made 3D print or other TAG grenade types) is strictly forbidden! Use of other grenade types is followed by removal of the player from the game!
- The Pecker training grenade can only be used at the base for safe training.
- Impact energy of the projectile can not exceed 40J. Note that the use of shells made by TAG is always permitted.
- The projectile must not be fired from a vehicle unless the launcher is attached to the vehicle structures/gun. If there is an anti-tank player exiting in the vehicle, he may not shoot the projectile until both of his/her feet have touched the ground and the person has firmly exited the vehicle.

Helicopter and Airborne troops
- The factions will have the ability to use a limited number of “helicopter rides” which they can use to transport troops to almost anywhere in the game area.
- Players are transported by vehicles with offgame markings to the drop zone.
- Players are back ingame, when they disembark the vehicle.

Radio-controlled aircraft/UAV/
- Follow all the rules of authorities so we all can have drones in future games also!
- Player drones must be equipped with their faction color markings in bottom of drone and pilot’s personal information.
- No-flight-zones can be found in aviamaps.
- Shooting a drone is strictly forbidden. Attempts to shoot a drone will result in removing player from the game!
- The user of a drone must follow Trafi’s instructions and Finnish laws. For more information see
- If you wish to bring a drone you must contact game masters and your own faction command first.

- Radio intelligence is not restricted but interference is prohibited.

- There must be one armband on both hands and both must have a player ID number written on it. The ID number can be obtained at the registration or from your kuulaportti ticket (Do not mix with ticket ID).
- Armbands must be at least 3,5cm wide, preferably 11cm so you can be identified better. The armband must go around the arm, a colored patch is not enough!
- You must keep your armband visible on both of your arms. Only players in reconnaissance units can wear the armband on both of their ankles regardless of their uniform.
- Platoon, company and battalion commanders will have a special patch, which will be provided by game masters before the game. You can also buy your own ones if you need more than 1 patch.
Armband colors
Coalition of Nordberg
No restrictions on camouflages. Military look.
Northern Royal Guard
No restrictions on camouflages. Military look.
Northern Iron Rule
Military or civilian clothing. No restrictions.
Only civilian clothing.

Rules related to this game area

- You can only use roads and tracks that are marked in the map and with suitable vehicles so that they are not damaged by the weight of the vehicles.
- Breaking of saplings or terrain or trees in the area is strictly prohibited.
- It is not allowed to dig trenches except for a small ditch around your tent.
Other rules
- You are not allowed to shoot through holes smaller than your own head. For example putting a barrel through boards in building wall is not allowed.
- Blindfire is forbidden. Player must always see where his/hers gun is pointing.
- You cannot attend an event while intoxicated.
- For safety reasons, camping stoves, disposable grills and similar heat generators on the ground are subject to forest fire warnings and fire regulations.