After the start of civil war in 2020 there has only been chaos, uncertainty and fear for civilians. Even after the Northern Iron Rule fell in the civil war in 2022, it only meant the start of a new one between the Northern Royal Guard and the Coalition of Nordberg and once again civilians were left in the middle of it. Civilians use Green/white armbands and vehicle flags.
Remember to apply for your faction Discord–channel after you have paid the ticket price. Send your name, ticket number and faction to the #closed_faction_channel_applications. When this information has been checked, your faction specific channel will open for you.
Civilian factions at Battlegroup events
We offer two options for civilian players. They either join or create one the sub-factions whose leader or intermediary will work closely with game masters and helps us to build the sub-faction as core part of the event.
The other option is, that player is inactive and just joins “normal civilians” and does what ever he/she wants allowed by the rules. But in the same way game masters are not helping these civilian players in any way expect giving them the basic maintenance support.
This way we want to encourage civilian players to take more responsibility before joining civilians faction.
Player names and numbers of civilian faction will be marked as hidden in Kuulaportti for various story reasons.
If you have your own good already preplanned idea for subfaction, you can email it to us
Under here are the sub-factions that are active at the moment this years event:
Normal civilians
- Players who are inactive towards game masters, not part of core event.
- Do their own stuff with their own risk.
- They typically move around the area, trying to collect treasures from the remnants of battles.
Sewell Mining
- Workers are part of the Sewell Mining company. Their tasks are to ensure that water, electricity and supplies are available in the project site. They are also resposible for maintaining and defending the power plant.
- Workers stay either at the project site (ingame) or in a separately marked area near it (offgame)
- If you want to join Sewell Mining company, email to us

The Firm
- As Halli area is war zone territory. Sewell Mining company has also hired international security specialist company called “Firm” to support their own regular security guards.
- The Firm operatives are known for their high discipline and professionalism
- The Firm operatives are identifiable from their patches and ID-cards.
- A small group whose task is to maintain a store in the camp.
- They sell commodities to anyone with in-game currency in their ingame bank account or with ingame cash.
- Game masters support traders with real money to buy commodities to sell at the event.
- If you want to join as Trader, email to us

- A very small group whose task is to maintain a bank services in game area.
- They keep track of players ingame-bank accounts, make transactions between them or raise cash for players in need of it.
- If you want to join as Banker email to us
Sheriff's Department
- A small group formed to calm the unrest of the civil war, whose members have a background in the official apparatus of the former regime, but who enjoy the trust of the locals because of these personal qualities.
- The Sheriff’s department oversees the lawfulness and security of the civilians in the village as well as others visiting the area.
- Sheriff’s also patrol nearby areas of the village but mainly try to stay as close to the village as possible.
White Cross
- International non-profit medical organisation
- They offer medical services to everyone in the area of operations
- Strives to guarantee healthcare in the region
- If you want to join White Cross organization, email to us
Battlefield Bulletin
- International news agency from outside of Nordberg country.
- Tries to cover the stories and actions of the events in Nordberg country and around the world. Also strives to guarantee neutral and true news for everyone without political or personal benefit in mind.
- If you want to join Battlefield Bulletin, email to us
- GM note for everyone: Sometimes Battlefield Bulleting might also do Offgame recordings but they will try to record as much as possible being Ingame. We hope that people tell their stories to them and let them to record happenings of the event as open as possible. If needed, they won’t release the material before the operational security allows it.

Unknown subfaction
“I don’t like violence. I’m a businessman. Blood is a big expense.”